Jan 24, 2009

Week 2- American Indians on Obama

In regards to the recent presidential elections the American Indian nation stated their opinion and gave their blessing for Barrack Obama to become the next U.S. president. This was a decision that was made which was deemed best for the American Indian society as a whole. Obama has promised to help put an end to the neglect that American Indians have been dealing with for a long period of time. As a result Obama had and will continue to have the support of the American Indian nation. A major issue is criminal jurisdiction on Indian land and Indian versus Federal governments. Yet, more than anything and along with the rest of the U.S. Obama brings a sense of change and inspires us to want, dream, and do more.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan,

    I think you put it well when you say that "Obama brings a sense of change and inspires us to want, dream, and do more." I think we all understand that it takes more than one man to change the world and this is the message that Obama has indeed sent. He is a symbol of hope, much like John Trudell, who has given his followers a sense that our voice matters and that if we work together, we can get things done. I wonder what would have happened if Trudell took a less "radical" approach to his activism and became involved in the smooth talking game of politics. Would less people have felt alienated by his message? Would the Government have laid off their smear job? Who knows.

    Also, I didn't know Obama reached out to the American Indian population. I'm interested to research more on that topic to see what kinds of policies he has in mind.

    Ryan B
