Feb 1, 2009

Week 3- Algonquin Indians

Starting to do research for my autobiography assignment I made a connection that I became intrigued with. Living a few towns away from Algonquin, Illinois I was curious to find out more about how the name originated. I was surprised to find that not much credit was given the American Indians for the naming of the city. It was mentioned that long before Europeans settled the Potawatomi American Indians inhibited the land. They became victims of European politics, and by 1894 the first settler Samuel Gillilan came from Virginia to take over the territory. Much changed but the name Algonquin stuck around. The Algonquin banded together with Iroquois and are very closely related to the Odawa and Ojibwe culturally and linguistically. Some more information I found was that there are still around 8,000 Algonquin Indians in Canada today.

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