Feb 5, 2009

Week 4- Trudell

In response to the movie in class, its fair to assume that John Trudell is a well educated American Indian activist, who has taken the initiative to voice his beliefs of equality for his people. Also poet and performer, Trudell is a spiritualist who was willing to dedicate his life to the dangerous American Indian cause. He stressed the importance of native consciousness, or in other words the transition of living life in a coherent manner.

The common theme that he stays true to is questioning the government on enforcing treaties of the past. He states treaties are laws and for them to be broken regarding the American Indians is essentially disrespecting the U.S. Constitution and more importantly our ancestors. Throughout the many programs including AIM, and public speaking, John Trudell couldn't fathom how Manifest Destiny justified genocide against American Indians. The government didn't offer much compassion and never could admit they were wrong. I found it interesting that the majority of American citizens agreed with native peoples and not the government, ultimately becoming a threat.

The part I was most amazed and disgusted by is when John burned the American flag, and twelve hours later his home was burned down killing his whole family. In retrospect Trudell most likely wishes he could take his actions back but that being said he felt he had to take drastic action to prove a point. I would be oblivious to think the govt. didn't retaliate, and that sickens me.

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