Mar 27, 2009

Week 11- Indigenous Feminisms

Andrea Smith’s, Indigenous Feminism without Apology, takes a closer look at being labeled as a “feminist.” The debate comes from feminism as an indigenous concept chosen by white women. She goes on to challenge the roles of patriarchy within Native communities along with white supremacy dealing with mainstream white feminism. In other words, why do white women get to define what feminism is?
The main idea surrounds the third wave of feminism, to transform feminism into a multicultural movement. Taking from various feminist histories, including Native resistance to colonization in 1492, would allow for a stronger contribution from all feminists instead of only whites.
A fine line has to be drawn between the project of national liberation and nation-state building. Yet to rally against the hate crimes the slogan, “We’re American too” is been widely encouraged. Showing an allegiance to America may temporarily make things better, but that can’t be said for everyone. One activist stated: “You can’t win a revolution on your own. And we are about nothing short of a revolution. Anything else is simply not worth our time.”

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