Apr 16, 2009

Week 12- More Indigenous Feminism… and Gynocentrism

I feel that there are absolutely differences between these two ideas. Indigenous feminism relates mostly with women of different cultures striving for power and control to ultimately make decisions in a larger context. This is based around the belief of equality throughout the society. Also, a good amount of this notion is fighting against oppression, while being treated with respect and making their voices heard.
Gynocentrism focuses more on the belief that females should portray a specific role within the community. More so than just being primarily maternal figures, Gynocentrism is a concept that strives for more female contribution within the entire society. For example, in Paula Gunn Allen’s “The Sacred Hoop” the ideology is shared that women can lead tribes based on their strong decision making attributes. They rely on their nurturing behavior to benefit other aspects of life within their communities.

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